bazbo – de wereld van Bas Langereis

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Zappanale 2012 – Day 5 – Saturday, August 4, 2012

Filed under: Zappanale 2012 — bazbo @ 21:29



01 Lemme Take You To The Beach
02 Dancin’ Foolz in the rain

Bogus Pomp:
01 Harry You’re A Beast – Orange County Lumber Truck – Theme from Lumpy Gravy
02 G-Spot Tornado (part one)
03 Pound For A Brown

Doctor Dark:
01 The Past Sure Is Tense with Gary Lucas
02 Electricity
03 03 with Gary Lucas
04 04 with Gary Lucas
05 05 (encore)

01 The Hollow Lands

01 The Only Thornless Rose
02 Diamonds
03 The Pistol (part one)
04 The Pistol (part two)

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