bazbo – de wereld van Bas Langereis, het middelpunt der aarde

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Zappanale #19 – Day 6, Monday – August 18, 2008

Filed under: Zappanale 2008 — bazbo @ 22:05

618 080818 Monday - festival area619 Billy and Ethell620 festival area621 breaking down the Zappateers tent622 breaking down the Zappateers tent623 leftovers624 breaking down the Zappateers tent625 Billy and Ethell going home626 Jellys camper going home628 ModifiedDog Ethell PrincessHelen Adam and Dirk waiting for Molli630 Billy and Ethell in Molli631 Luuk and Billy in Bad Doberan632 meeting Magdalena and BaldHeadedJohn in the MeinKampfTheater in Bad Doberan633 Bev HairZ and Magdalena634 TittiesNBeer Bev James and Magdalena635 BaldHeadedJohn Billy and Ethell636 HairZ Bev James and Magdalena637 Ethell Billy and Luuk enjoying spaghetti638 James BaldHeadedJohn HairZ and teaman in fron tof CafeZ639 ModifiedDog Luuk Billy and Ethell waiting for Molli640 Luuk waiting for Molli641 Molli arrives642 Ethell ModifiedDog and Luuk in Molli643 Molli644 Hamburg645 Billy in the train to Hannover646 Ethell and Billy having dinner in Hannover647 Luuk and ModifiedDog waiting for the bus to bring them home648 Luuk in the bus home

Zappanale Abschied

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