bazbo – de wereld van Bas Langereis, het middelpunt der aarde

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Zappanale 2009 – Day 3 – Thursday, August 13, 2009

Filed under: Zappanale 2009 — bazbo @ 20:35

141 DOOT with special guest bazbo

103 090813 Thursday - Luuk and ModifiedDog waiting for Molli104 Luuk in Molli105 EdLick and StatusBaby in BadDoberan106 hidihi and Luuk enjoying coffee in Bad Doberan107 Molli in the streets of Bad Doberan108 DOOT in rehearsal room111 CheepnisAroma WhatItUsed2B TheEvilPrince and Flambay112 WhatItUsed2B and Luuk113 EdLick sibbz and Flambay114 Zappateers waiting for the tent to be ready117 Lex plays FZ for Zappateers118 Luuk hidihi WhatItUsed2B and wife at the Zappateers bbq119 Jelly Lola and Wan120 unicrayon honours Flambay for all his work for Zappateers121 EdLick Auke Luuk and ModifiedDog waiting for Molli122 Luuk ModifiedDog and hidihi waiting for Molli to go to Bad Doberan123 rubber chicken on DOOT stage124 doot and ke126 MichelDelville Ivan and Steve128 the heart of DOOT - Stephen Chillemni and Pete Brunelli129 doot and ke131 Michel Delville132 Ivan133 DOOT checking out their stuff134 DOOT140 MichelDelville Ivan bazbo and doot143 Stephen Chillemni144 bazbo145 ke148 Stephen Chillemni146 DOOT audience149 DrZurkon NotPedro and unicrayon150 Camarillo and CheepnisAroma151 clockwise - BaldHeadedJohn au3 ParaffinLamp Billy sibbz DebutantDaisy Hasi and PaulusS152 ModifiedDog Luuk Auke and hidihi153 Billy Eric and doot in Gunnars bar154 Billy and Eric sing their glasses while doot Ivan and ke talk156 JohnTheHat JohnTheHatsSon and BritishGentleman157 StatusBaby and prettylady159 Frank Anne and Jeroen in Gunnars Bar160 Ethell and Billy161 Magdalena and Billy singalong162 Zappateers in Gunnars bar163 zymurgy and StatusBaby165 zymurgy and ke166 Zappateers in Gunnars bar167 bazbo kills the sleeping BengoFury

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