bazbo – de wereld van Bas Langereis, het middelpunt der aarde

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Zappanale 2009 – Day 7 – Monday, August 17, 2009

Filed under: Zappanale 2009 — bazbo @ 21:33

516 Molli arrives501 090817 Monday - ModifiedDog and Luuk breaking up the tent502 Auke hidihi and Luuk503 ModifiedDog and YoungPumpkin504 goodbye to the festival area505 leaving - hidihi and Auke start breaking up their tent506 Luuk and ModifiedDog catch Molli507 Luuk in Molli509 bazbo breakfast508 meeting doot on a bike in Bad Doberan511 ModifiedDog and Luuk enjoying coffee at the MeinKampfTheater512 The MeinKampfTheater513 streets of Bad Doberan514 streets of Bad Doberan515 Luuk and ModifiedDog waiting for Molli516 Molli arrives517 Luuk and ModifiedDog on Rostock station518 ModifiedDog checking her cell phone519 Luuk in the train to Hamburg520 Luuk in the train from Hamburg to Osnabrück521 finally some decent Dutch food - kofte with cheese522 Luuk and his shoarma

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