bazbo – de wereld van Bas Langereis, het middelpunt der aarde

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FoolZ in rehearsal room – Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Filed under: FoolZ — bazbo @ 23:09

Lex and ke

FoolZ still preparing for the Zappateers Festival on March 14. This time the band was complete. And photographer Willem took pictures for a large article in ‘De Pers’, a Dutch daily magazine!

ke, Pedro and WanErwin and PedroLexke, Wan and photographer WillemRemcoLex and kePedro and WanRemco, Lex and kePedro and Wan from behind Erwin’s drum kitRemcoWanErwin’s drum kitLexRemco and guitar effectsLex and keWan, De Pers photographer Willem and RemcoErwin and Pedro

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