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FoolZ in rehearsal room with ke – Thursday, March 13, 2008

Filed under: FoolZ — bazbo @ 22:33

Final FoolZ rehearsal before the Zappateers Festival, March 14+15, 2008. Erwin, the new drummer, appears to be integrated into the group in a fantastic way, considering him having rehearsed with the band only five or six times! During this rehearsal, guitarist Remco was absent, but it all sounded great!

 Erwin Pedro Wan and Lexke and LexWanPedroErwin Pedro Wan and keErwin the new drummer - now already fantasticly integrated into the groupLexke on violaErwin Pedro and WanLex and moi aka idiotbsErwin and Pedroke on violaLexmoi aka idiotbske organizing her deviceske and LexErwin Pedro and WanWanLex

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