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Robert-Jan Stips – Gigant Café, Apeldoorn – May 3, 2009

Filed under: Muziek - Music - LIVE — bazbo @ 19:32

Robert-Jan Stips (Supersister, Golden Earring, Sweet d’Buster, Transister, The Nits, Freek de Jonge, etc) did a promotion tour of his cd/dvd ‘Rond’, on which he performs songs from his entire career on solo piano.

Robert-Jan Stips & bazbo

Robert-Jan StipsRobert-Jan Stipspromoting his album 'Rond', which is performed on acoustic piano, but now played on a Ro(la)nd electronic'Plato'-Niek selling cd's



02 Dankzij de duinen (In The Dutch Mountains) (The Nits)

03 Radio (Supersister)

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Tuin 2009 – Garden 2009

Filed under: Tuin — bazbo @ 22:02

Bieslook - May 1, 2009Oregano - May 1, 2009bazbo & Luuk - May 1, 2009Luuk - May 21, 2009E verpoot de kruiden-, fruit- en groenteplanten - May 21, 2009Rucola - May 21, 2009In bloei - May 21, 2009Valeriaan - May 21, 2009Tomaat, zonnebloem en paprika - May 21, 2009Diverse plantjes om nog te verpoten + rucola - May 21, 2009Luuk verzorgt de eerste barbecue van dit jaar - first barbecue of the year - May 21, 2009... en uitrusten na afloop - ... and take a rest afterwards - May 21, 2009Bieslook - May 22, 2009Luuk is taking care of the barbecueLuuk is taking care of the barbecueShaushagebazbo... relaxing with some of the finest Gulpener Korenwolf witbier - May 24, 2009de oude tijm - May 30, 2009de nieuwe tijm - May 30, 2009munt - mint - May 30, 2009rucola - rucola lettuce - May 30, 2009May 30, 2009May 30, 2009May 30, 2009May 30, 2009laurier - May 30, 2009May 30, 2009olijfboom - olive tree - May 30, 2009snackkomkommer - mini cucumber - May 30, 2009Luc taking care of the barbecue - May 30, 2009Valeriaan - May 30, 2009de schutting - the fence - May 30, 2009barbecue - May 30, 2009even sproeien - bazbo watering the garden - May 30, 2009barbecue - May 31, 2009Luuk zit gewoon binnen - Luuk inside the house - June 1, 2009barbecue - June 1, 2009shadow dancing in the garden - June 1, 2009Luuks gelaste voederplaats - Luuks bird feeding place - June 1, 2009de boom - our tree - June 1, 2009merel in de boom - bird in the tree - June 1, 2009Luuk - June 13, 2009snackkomkommers - mini cucumber - June 26, 2009zonnebloem - sun flower - June 26, 2009July 14, 2009July 14, 2009close up - July 14, 2009De eerste peper van dit jaar! - The first pepper of the year!En de eerste tomaten! - And the first tomatoes!De eerste tomaten van het jaar - The first tomatoes of the yearEn de zoveelste barbecue - And another barbequePita gevuld met chili-kaas - Pita stuffed with chili-cheeseKruidenhoekje - Herbs cornerZonnebloem - Sun flower - August 4, 2009August 4, 2009August 4, 2009veel pepers in aantocht - lots of peppers to be harvested - August 4, 2009een kloothommel - a bumble bee - August 5, 2009090826 tomatoesvolop groene pepers - green peppers - August 26, 2009en nog meer tomaten - and some more tomatoes - August 26, 2009Onze levende verticuleermachine - Our living verticulation machine (? - my English better getting yes?)27 september 2009 - tomatenoogstP118050327 september 2009 - laurierplant - voor Luuks stageverslag

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Koninginnedag 2009 – April 30, 2009

Filed under: Fotogalerij 2007-2009,Muziek - Music - LIVE — bazbo @ 21:59

Koninginnedag 2009 turned out to be a sad day in Apeldoorn, in The Netherlands and in the whole world. At the end of the day we went to the centre of town, to have a few drinks and some food in Art Café ‘Sam Sam’ and watched a show by a duo called ‘The Old Bridge’. See the link to Youtube at the bottom of this post. Thankz to all our friends that were there with us.

au3, Paulu$ & ERobert, Marja & au3bazbo's dinnerMarja, hidihi, Auke & Paulu$Robert, Marja, hidihi, Auke & Paulu$hidihi, Auke, Paulu$, au3 & Ebazbo's beer - watch the little blue horizontal line in the froth ...

The Old BridgeThe Old BridgeThe Old BridgeThe Old Bridge


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