bazbo – de wereld van Bas Langereis, het middelpunt der aarde

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Day 1 – Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Filed under: Zappanale 2011 — bazbo @ 13:10


01 Chris Opperman – T. William

02 Chris Opperman – Melodious Monk

03 Chris Opperman – Sophia’s Dream with Elizabeth Cary on violin

04 Chris Opperman – Utviklingssang (Carla Bley) with Elizabeth Cary on violin

05 Chris Opperman – Miles Ahead with Elizabeth Cary on violin

06 Chris Opperman – Dreams of Frank (Frank Zappa medley consisting of theme and variations of “Uncle Meat,” “Alien Orifice,” “The Black Page #2,” and “Sleep Dirt”)

07 Chris Opperman – Helenesque

08 Chris Opperman – Tiny Peanuts – solo piano improvisation

09 Chris Opperman – solo piano improvisation on the first couple of movements of ‘The Porpentine’

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