bazbo – de wereld van Bas Langereis, het middelpunt der aarde

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Zappanale 2009 – Day 2 – Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Filed under: Zappanale 2009 — bazbo @ 20:36

069 FZ ModifiedDog bazbo and Luuk

059 090812 Wednesday - bazbos breakfast060 view from our hotel window061 Beefang hotel am Kirchenallee062 waiting for our train to Rostock - Billy Ethell ModifiedDog and Luuk063 Luuk and Ethell in Molli065 Luuk blowing up the air beds067 Luuk ModifiedDog Billy and Ethell waiting for Molli068 the FZ statue in Bad Doberan069 FZ ModifiedDog bazbo and Luuk071 ModifiedDog in the MeinKampfTheater072 the delicious dish is back073 spaghetti Thunfisch074 au3 BaldHeadedJohn Bev PaulusS unknown Eelco and Clint075 HairZ Magdalena TittiesAndBeer and Pam076 ModifiedDog hidihi Luuk and Auke077 HairZ080 Aufrichtiges Zappa082 ModifiedDog and Luuk enjoying Aufrichtiges Zappa083 Aufrichtiges Zappa084 Aufrichtiges Zappa085 trailer for a JCB movie in the MeinKampfTheater086 Unholm Ethell and Billy087 ke Steve and Ivan088 Ivan and bazbo090 BowTieDad Eric and Ethell092 EdLick and Lennaert093 au3 Luuk  WhatItUsed2Bswife and sibbz094 UniMuta and Steve095 sibbz Steve and DebutantDaisy096 unicrayon au3 and PaulusS097 Gamma and Helen098 Gamma and Helen099 BowTieDad and Sharleena100 PaulusS Hasi Bev and Redhair101 BengoFury and Lennaert102 ModifiedDog and hidihi on the stroll back to the camping - in the middle of the sperm fields!

• • •

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