bazbo – de wereld van Bas Langereis, het middelpunt der aarde

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Mosae Zappa festival 2017 – dag 2: zaterdag 25 november 2017 – Coasters, Heerlen + Oefenbunker, Landgraaf

Filed under: Muziek - Music - LIVE,Zappa events — bazbo @ 20:25

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FoolZ agenda 2018

Filed under: FoolZ — bazbo @ 13:37

January 21, Sunday – café Oude Haven, Apeldoorn – 16.00 FREE
February 16, Friday – Bluescafé, Apeldoorn – 22.00 FREE
May 18, Friday – café De Flierefluiter – 21.00 FREE

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Zappaloween 2017: The FoolZ in Art café Sam Sam – zaterdag 28 oktober 2017

Filed under: FoolZ,Muziek - Music - LIVE — bazbo @ 09:52


Nieuwsbericht op ApeldoornDirect.
Agendabericht op ApeldoornDirect.

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Zappanale 2017 – Dag 4 – vrijdag 14 juli 2017 – festivaldag 1

Filed under: Zappanale 2017 — bazbo @ 07:24

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Zappanale 2017 – Dag 5 – zaterdag 15 juli 2017 – festivaldag 2

Filed under: Zappanale 2017 — bazbo @ 07:24

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Zappanale 2017 – Dag 6 – zondag 16 juli 2017 – festivaldag 3

Filed under: Zappanale 2017 — bazbo @ 07:23

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Mosae Zappa festival – Dag 1: vrijdag 25 november 2016 – Heerlen

Filed under: Fotogalerij 2016,Zappa events — bazbo @ 09:28

001-161125-station-apeldoorn 002-hotelkamer-in-heerlen

005-hotelkamer-met-vip-tas 006-hotelkamer

007-hotel-in-heerlen 008-in-de-kromme-toeter-e-hidihi-auke-ethell-paulus-hasi-grace

009-carnaval 010-wachten-op-eten-paulus-e-billy-ethell-eelco-grace-jessica-hasi-hidihi-auke

011-indo-eten 012-paulus-e-billy-ethell-eelco-grace-jessica-hasi-hidihi-auke

014-toko-patja 015-cafe-bluff

016-dj-billy 017-sjonnie-billy

018-petjep-sjonnie-paulus 022-mosae-zappa-organisatie-sjonnie-marco-billy

024-petjep 025-petjep-in-cafe-bluff

026-petjep 027-cafe-bluff

029-petjep-ludznl-e-hidihi-mstgv-grace-jan-dave-petter 030-petjep-lusznl-ethell-e

031-billy 032-sjonnie-billy

034-sjonnie-billy 035-terug-naar-hotel

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Mosae Zappa festival – Dag 2: zaterdag 26 november 2016 – Heerlen en Landgraaf

Filed under: Fotogalerij 2016,Zappa events — bazbo @ 09:27

036-161126-zaterdag-het-geweldige-uitzicht-vanaf-hotelkamer 038-hotel

039-wilhelminaplein 040-pancratiusplein

041-ontbijt-in-de-kromme-toeter 042-satisfaction-records-aan-de-oranje-nassaustraat

043-gong-aan-het-raadhuisplein 044-raadhuiplein

045-geleenstraat 046-coasters

047-cake-in-coasters 048-zappa-cake

049-antoine-putz-in-coasters 050-antoine-putz

053-antoine-putz 054-antoine-putz

055-antoine-putz 056-antoine-putz

057-coasters 058-antoine-putz

059-antoine-putz 060-antoine-putz

061-antoine-putz 062-coasters

063-hidihi-dagmar-auke 064-antoine-putz

065-coasters 066

067-luc-hidihi-dagmar 068-petter-auke-e

069-lamshazen 070-dagmar-petter-auke

071-hidihi-dagmar 072-de-oefenbunker-in-landgraaf

073-de-oefenbunker-in-landgraaf 074-de-oefenbunker-in-landgraaf

075-opening-sjonnie-billy 076-billy

077-johns-got-a-sausage 078-johns-got-a-sausage

081-johns-got-a-sausage 082-johns-got-a-sausage

083-johns-got-a-sausage 085-johns-got-a-sausage

088-johns-got-a-sausage 089-johns-got-a-sausage

092-johns-got-a-sausage 093-sjonnie

094-sjonnie-billy 095-billy

096-the-wrong-object 098-the-wrong-object

100-the-wrong-object 104-the-wrong-object

102-the-wrong-object 103-the-wrong-object

105-the-wrong-object 106-the-wrong-object

108-the-wrong-object 109-the-wrong-object

112-the-wrong-object 114-the-wrong-object

115-the-wrong-object 116-the-wrong-object

118-the-wrong-object 119-the-wrong-object

120-the-wrong-object 125-bits-from-hell

126-bits-from-hell 127-bits-from-hell

128-the-foolz 129-the-foolz

132-the-foolz 133-the-foolz

134-wan 135-billy

136-marco 138-billy

139-the-foolz 140-lex

141-lex 143-lex-marco

144-the-foolz 146-the-foolz

147-the-foolz 149-remco

151-billy 152-billy

155-pedro 158-pedro

160-the-foolz 161-e-eric-hilda

162-e-eric-hilda 163-de-oefenbunker-in-landgraaf

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Mosae Zappa festival – Dag 3: zondag 27 november 2016 – Heerlen

Filed under: Fotogalerij 2016,Zappa events — bazbo @ 10:02

164-161127-zondag-de-kromme-toeter 165-ontbijt-in-de-kromme-toeter


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Vrijdag 15 juli 2016 – Zappanale dag 1

Filed under: Vakantie 2016 - Berlijn en Zappanale,Zappanale 2016 — bazbo @ 07:40

0914 160715 vrijdag 0917 Z.E.R.O.

0919 Z.E.R.O. 0922 JulianaBrandon

0926 Alli Bach tapdances The Black Page 0928 Z.E.R.O.

0930 Robert 0933 Z.E.R.O.

0935 Z.E.R.O. 0936 TPS Grace

0938 Stadtbäckerei 0939 Stadtbäckerei

0942 Goethestrasse 0944 festivalcamping

0945 aankomst bij Rennbahn 0946 kamp Auke en hidihi

0947 Zappateerskamp 0948 British

0949 L Jan EdLick E Daggie StrokeTheBoots 0950 arfevelynarf caravan

0953 festival entrance 0954 Zappanale area

0955 main stage 0956 Zappanale area

0957 main stage 0958 Lex Bronkowitz Orchestra

0959 Lex Bronkowitz Orchestra 0961 Lex Bronkowitz Orchestra

0962 Frieder Loch 0963 Lex Bronkowitz Orchestra

0966 Lex Bronkowitz Orchestra 0969 Lex Bronkowitz Orchestra

0970 Zappateers 0972 Katharina Debus

0974 Carl Albrecht 0975 Philip Mestwerdt

0976 urinal 0977 Zappanale area

0978 sambanale 0983 Lex Bronkowitz Orchestra

0984 Lex Bronkowitz Orchestra 0988 Lex Bronkowitz Orchestra

0989 Lex Bronkowitz Orchestra goodbye 0992 Lex Bronkowitz Orchestra goodbye

0993 TPS 0994 Billy Thomas

0996 Cowboys From Hell 1001 Hasi Jessica PauluS

1004 Cowboys From Hell 1008 Cowboys From Hell

1009 Cowboys From Hell 1014 Cowboys From Hell

1015 Cowboys From Hell 1019 Cowboys From Hell

1021 Cowboys From Hell 1022 Cowboys From Hell

1024 pizza 1025 main stage

1027 Rhino 1030 Jumpy

1031 Roddie 1034 Phil

1035 Ed Mann 1037 WolfhardKütz Burgermeister JimCohen - official opening Zappanale

1038 Muffin Men 1042 Ed Mann

1044 Denny Walley 1049 Roddie

1050 Rhino 1054 Denny Walley

1058 Roddie 1059 Denny Walley

1061 Denny Walley 1062 Jumpy

1064 The Muffin Men 1065 Hasi JanetThePlanet L

1066 EdLick JanetThePlanet L RupertKettle 1069 DennyWalley Roddie

1073 Rhino 1077 Candy Zappa

1080 Candy Zappa 1082 The Muffin Men + Candy Zappa

1083 DennyWalley CandyZappa 1089 NolanPorter CandyZappa Roddie

1091 Candy Zappa 1093 Denny Walley

1094 DennyWalley EdMann CandyZappa 1095 The Muffin Men + Candy Zappa

1096 Roddie 1098 Denny Walley

1101 The Muffin Men 1102 Rhino

1103 Denny Walley 1109 The Muffin Men

1111 The Muffin Men 1113 The Muffin Men goodbye

1115 Peter hidihi Auke EE 1116 hidihi Auke E

1117 L hidihi Auke E 1118 Auke hidihi L

1119 Stabat Akish 1121 Stabat Akish

1122 Stabat Akish 1124 Stabat Akish

1126 Stabat Akish 1128 Stabat Akish

1130 Stabat Akish 1132 Stabat Akish

1133 pannenkoek 1134 The Magic Band

1140 John French 1141 Max Kutner

1144 Andrew Niven 1146 BrianHavey EricKlerks

1155 The Magic Band 1156 The Magic Band

1157 AndrewNiven John French 1158 PA

1159 Len E L 1162 Drumbo

1163 The Magic Band 1164 Max Kutner

1167 EricKlerks Drumbo 1169 The Magic Band

1174 EricKlerks Drumbo 1175 Andrew Niven

1176 Eric Klerks 1179 Max Kutner

1181 Brian Hayes 1184 EricKlerks JohnFrench

1186 John French 1188 JohnFrench MaxKutner

1192 John French 1197 The Magic Band

1198 John French 1199 John Fench

1201 JohnFrench DennyWalley 1206 Denny Walley

1212 JohnFrench DennyWalley 1213 John French

1216 John French 1218 The Magic Band + Denny Walley

1223 The Magic Band 1226 John French

1227 The Magic Band 1229 John French

1232 The Magic Band encore 1233 The Magic Band encore

1235 The Magic Band finale 1236 hidihi E Michael EdLick Auke L

1237 hidihi E Michael EdLick Auke L Hasi 1238 Zappanale area

1240 October Equus 1242 October Equus

1243 October Equus 1245 's nachts thuis

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160715 met Daggie

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