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Zappa Experience: The FoolZ – met percussie-ensemble KNA Lunteren in Schaffelaartheater Barneveld + met special guests in Bluescafé Apeldoorn – zaterdag 8 november en zondag 9 november 2014

Filed under: FoolZ,Zappa events — bazbo @ 09:21

Friday, November 7, 2014:

002 hidihi Auke Luuk E Petter Dagmar 003 Petter Dagmar

Saturday, November 8, 2014 – Schaffelaartheater, Barneveld:

007 141108 Billy Ethell 008 hidihi Luuk E

009 b dinner 010 Jessica PauluS hidihi Auke

011 Schaffelaartheater lecture by Co de Kloet 012 PauluS Reinier Cynthia

013 Emile hidihi Luuk 014 Co de Kloet lecture on FZ

015 Schaffelaartheater 016 The FoolZ and KNA percussion ensemble

017 KNA percussion ensemble 018 The FoolZ

019 KNA percussion ensemble 020 The FoolZ

021 KNA percussion ensemble 022 KNA percussion ensemble

023 KNA percussion ensemble 024 The FoolZ and KNA percussion ensemble

025 The FoolZ 026 The FoolZ

027 The FoolZ and KNA percussion ensemble 028 The FoolZ and KNA percussion ensemble

029 The FoolZ and KNA percussion ensemble 030 The FoolZ and KNA percussion ensemble goodbye

031 The FoolZ and KNA percussion ensemble goodbye 032 The FoolZ and KNA percussion ensemble

033 Peter EdLick 034 EdLick Peterwife E

035 Jessica PauluS Billy 036 Auke hidihi Ethell Emile

037 Jessica PauluS Ethell 038 Billy E

039 Ethell Auke hidihi


Sunday, November 9, 2014 – Bluescafé, Apeldoorn

Special guests:
Musicians from percussion ensemble KNA Lunteren
Tim Op het Broek (vocals)

040 141109 E PauluS Jessica 041 E PauluS Jessica

042 Jessica PauluS Billy 042 PauluS Jessica Luuk

043 langs het kanaal 044 langs het kanaal

045 The FoolZ met Billy 046 The FoolZ met Billy

047 The FoolZ met Billy 048 The FoolZ met Billy

049 Zappa Experience 050 Zappa Experience

051 Zappa Experience 052 Zappa Experience

053 Zappa Experience 054 Zappa Experience

055 The FoolZ 056 The FoolZ met Billy

057 The FoolZ met Billy 058 The FoolZ met Billy

059 The FoolZ met Billy 060 Wan Lex Pedro

061 The FoolZ met Billy 062 The FoolZ

063 The FoolZ 064 Zappa Experience

065 Zappa Experience 066 Zappa Experience

067 Zappa Experience 068 Zappa Experience

069 Zappa Experience 070 Zappa Experience

071 Zappa Experience 072 The FoolZ met Billy

073 Zappa Experience 074 Zappa Experience

075 Zappa Experience 076 Zappa Experience

077 Zappa Experience 078 Zappa Experience

079 Zappa Experience 080 Zappa Experience

081 Zappa Experience 082 Zappa Experience

083 Zappa Experience 084 Zappa Experience

085 Zappa Experience 086 Zappa Experience audience

087 Zappa Experience audience 088 Zappa Experience audience

089 Zappa Experience 090 Zappa Experience

091 The FoolZ 092 The FoolZ


Recensie in de Barnevelder Courant:

093 recensie in de Barnevelder courant 094 recensie in de Barnevelder courant

• • •


Zappa Experience: The FoolZ met percussie-ensemble – Schaffelaartheater, Barneveld – 8 november 2014

Filed under: FoolZ,Muziek - Music - LIVE — bazbo @ 19:07

zappa poster

Experience Zappa in the theatre:
Percussion ensemble KNA Lunteren and Zappa cover band The Foolz have joined forces to present a unique musical venture: Zappa Experience! On Saturday the 8th of November they will collectively present a theater show in the Schaffelaartheater in Barneveld. As the name implies, this show is geared entirely towards the works of composer, musician and filmmaker Frank Zappa. In a variety of set-ups a wide array of compositions made by Zappa will be performed. Prior to this musical experience renowned Zappa expert Co de Kloet will provide an in-depth lecture about Zappa’s life and works.

Percussion ensemble KNA Lunteren:
The KNA percussion ensemble consists of roughly thirty dedicated musicians led by conductor Marco Ostenk. Since the year 2000 the orchestra has been preoccupied with concerts and concourses, consistently delivering musical performances of an impressive level. In 2009 the orchestra even became Dutch champion in its discipline and also partook in the World Music Concourse. Their repertoire is characterized by a large variety of styles, encompassing pop and rock, but also more blues-oriented styles of music. Now Zappa’s vintage blend of jazz and rock can be added to their already broad range of skills. In sum: the KNA ensemble is not afraid to embrace variation and new challenges!

The Foolz:
Cover band The Foolz is committed entirely to the work of Frank Zappa. The band, consisting of Pedro Steneker (bass/vocals), Lex Kemper (guitar/vocals), Remco Aalhuizen (guitar/vocals), Wan Kemper (keys/vocals) and Marco Onstenk (drums), is a well-respected name amongst Zappa aficionados. In 2003 they released their live album “Live from the Cherrytree”. Furthermore, they performed multiple times at the acclaimed ‘Zappanale’ festival and also made much lauded appearances at Zappateers-organized festivals in Bradford-On-Avon and Corby.

Many people are vaguely familiar with the name of Frank Zappa, but only few know just exactly who he was. Hence, preceding the concert, radio presenter and Holland’s most famed Zappa expert Co de Kloet will provide us with a lecture concerning the life and works of Zappa. Zappa challenged many a musical convention and in doing so merged musical styles that previously seemed irreconcilable. In an engaging fashion Co de Kloet will invite the audience into the mind of the composer, demonstrate his working method, and elucidate Zappa’s socio-political brand of lyricism. De Kloet’s lecture thus promises to be an inspiring experience for Zappa novices and adepts alike.

Zappa Experience:
Further into the night things will get even more inspiring as, over the course of two hours, the musicians will allow the audience a glimpse into the musical universe of Frank Zappa. Here, previously attained knowledge will be heard and seen in practice. The ensemble and the band will separately and collectively perform pieces of Zappa’s work, touching on all aspects of his impressive oeuvre. Some songs of note that will be performed include: ‘Echidna’s Arf’, ‘Little Umbrellas’, ‘T’mershi Duween’ and ‘What’s New in Baltimore’.

• • •


Arf! Arf! Arf! festival – De Singel, Antwerpen – Day 3: Sunday, March 23, 2014 + The Bottles – privat party – Apeldoorn

Filed under: Fotogalerij 2014,Zappa events — bazbo @ 09:59

Pictures taken with Sony Eriksson Xperia cell phone.

The Bottles – Road Ladies

And here’s the pictures by E:

• • •

Arf! Arf! Arf! festival – De Singel, Antwerpen – Day 2: Saturday, March 22, 2014

Filed under: Fotogalerij 2014,Zappa events — bazbo @ 09:58

Pictures taken with Sony Eriksson Xperia cell phone camera.

And here’s the pictures by E:

• • •

Arf! Arf! Arf! festival – De Singel, Antwerpen – Day 1: Friday, March 21, 2014

Filed under: Fotogalerij 2014,Zappa events — bazbo @ 09:58

Pictures taken with Sony Eriksson Xperia cell phone camera.

And here’s the pictures by E:

• • •


FoolZ agenda 2014-2016

Filed under: FoolZ — bazbo @ 10:42


April 10, Sunday – Bluescafé, Apeldoorn – 16.00 (lees meer)
November 26, Saturday – Mosae Zappa festival, Landgraaf


October 30, Friday – Art café Sam Sam, Apeldoorn – ZAPPALOWEEN festival 20.00
October 31, Saturday – Art café Sam Sam, Apeldoorn – ZAPPALOWEEN festival 15.00


March 8, Saturday – Art café Sam Sam, Apeldoorn – 21.00
May 15, Thursday – Partycentrum 4, Utrecht – 20.00 – support for Zappatika + Ike Willis
June 9, Monday – Bluescafé, Apeldoorn – 16.00

November 7, Friday – Harderwijk (cancelled)
November 8, Saturday – Schaffelaartheater, Barneveld – 14.00 – with orchestra percussionists!
November 9, Sunday – Bluescafé, Apeldoorn – 16.00

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The FoolZ – Bluescafé, Apeldoorn – Sunday, October 6, 2013

Filed under: FoolZ,Muziek - Music - LIVE — bazbo @ 21:21

Lees mijn recensie op Apeldoorn Direct hier.
Video’s zien? Links naar YouTube staan onderin dit bericht. You’ll find the links to my YouTube videos at the bottom of this post.



01 Zoot Allures
02 You Didn’t Try To Call Me
03 (Let’s Move To) Cleveland
04 Alien Orifice
05 Blessed Relief
06 Bazboomled By Love
07 Echidnas’s Arf (Of You)
08 Pygmy Twylyte
09 Sofa + City Of Tiny Lites
10 More Trouble Everyday
11 Inca Roads
12 Suicide Chump + Ms Pinky
13 Florentine Pogen (encore)

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Zappanale 2013 – Day 3 – Thursday, August 1, 2013

Filed under: Zappanale 2013 — bazbo @ 20:51

096 Heiligendamm beach

123 Ukelele Overnite


02 Ukulele Overnite – I’m The Slime


• • •

Zappanale 2013 – Day 4 – Friday, August 2, 2013

Filed under: Zappanale 2013 — bazbo @ 20:50

211 stage area

244 Sebkha-Chott Galoot Formula performs Thing-Fish - Harry-as-a-boy


03 Dasch2 – 03

04 The Dangerous Kitchen – Zomby Woof

05 Sebkha-Chott Galoot Formula – Thing-Fish: You Are What You Is
06 Sebkha-Chott Galoot Formula – Thing-Fish: He’s So Gay
07 Sebkha-Chott Galoot Formula – Thing-Fish finale: Bwana Dik + Theme from Lumpy Gravy + Stick It Out

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Zappanale 2013 – Day 5 – Saturday, August 3, 2013

Filed under: Zappanale 2013 — bazbo @ 20:49

278 FZ statue

316 Coogans Bluff

360 Banned from Utopia

389 RalphHumphrey

400 RobertMartin

417 RayWhite


08 Coogans Bluff – You And Me

09 Alli Bach – Oh No
10 Alli Bach – The Black Page (first sung, then tap danced!)

11 Kazutoki Umezu KIKI Band – unknown

12 Banned From Utopia – Society Pages + Duprees Paradise
13 Banned From Utopia – Doreen
14 Banned From Utopia – Whippin’ Post
15 Banned From Utopia – The Illinois Enema Bandit


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