bazbo – de wereld van Bas Langereis, het middelpunt der aarde

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Zappateers Party – Day 2 – Friday, November 14, 2008 – Bath, Bradford-on-Avon

Filed under: Zappa events — bazbo @ 20:34

036 Bath Abbey

026 081114 Friday - bazbo has redecorated the bedroom027 bedroom in Bowden House in Melksham028 bedroom in Bowden House in Melksham029 bazbos breakfast - toast and cheese030 ModifiedDogs full English breakfast031 ModifiedDog waiting for the bus to Bath032 Bath034 Bath - Pulteney Bridge038 Bath - Parade Gardens039 Bath - the reason why no Swede went to Bath040 Bath Abbey041 Bath - Starbucks Coffee042 Bath Abbey043 Bath Abbey044 Bath - entrance to the Roman Baths045 Bath - Roman Baths048 Bath - Roman Baths049 Bath - Roman Baths051 Bath - Roman Baths052 Bath - Roman Baths - ModifiedDog listening to the guided tour054 Bath - Roman Baths056 Bath - Roman Baths057 Bath - Roman Baths059 Bath - Roman Baths063 Bath Abbey064 beads shop065 bazbos lunch - baguette with cheese and red onion pickles067 our lunch restaurant068 Bath Abbey069 Bath Abbey071 Bath Abbey073 Bath Abbey074 Bath Abbey077 familiar store078 familiar store079 the British cannot spell080 familiar store082 nice shop083 shaushage085 Bath Abbey086 back in The George - Fish HairZ and zoot088 BowTieDad Paulu$ LudzNL and Hasi playing darts089 zoot Ob and unicrayon090 zoot and Ob092 BaldHeadedJohn Bev BengoFury and Magdalena093 HairZ and BowTieDad094 Bev and Paulu$096 BengoFury and Magdalena097 Fish gets his cheek squeezed by zymurgy098 Butcombe ale - am I the only non-UK who knows how to pronounce it?099 Paulu$ HairZ BowTieDad BengoFury and Magdalena100 ModifiedDog and Ob101 Hasi103 Ob and unicrayon104 SteamingPig and TheEvilPrince105 Magdalena ModifiedDog and au3106 BowTieDad and HairZ107 unicrayon and Linnea108 Magdalena BaldHeadedJohn and BengoFury110 HairZ and SteamingPig111 BowTieDad zoot and Ob112 Hasi CheepnisAroma Fish and Linnea113 Bev HairZ and au3114 ModifiedDog and Paulu$118 CheepnisAroma unicrayon and Ob120 CheepnisAroma is the first to have curry121 Linnea and Hasi123 the program124 bazbos curry plate125 SteamingPig and TheEvilPrince126 unicrayon and Hasi127 Linnea and Paulu$129 HairZ Ob Fish LudzNL and zymurgy132 SteamingPig with rubber chicken134 BowTieDad LudzNL and CheepnisAroma137 Linnea and Paulu$138 Paulu$ and zymurgy140 The Pedantics141 SteamingPig rubber chicken and TheEvilPrince144 The Pedantics147 Hasi PauluS LudzNL and unicrayon149 Fish and LudzNL150 Simon and Gary151 Simon and Gary dancing152 Simon and Gary dancing155 The Pedantics161 au3 unicrayon CheepnisAroma and Gary165 au3 TheEvilPrince Fish and BengoFury166 Ob and LudzNL168 BengoFury after the Paulu$ kiss

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